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Carla J Kee-Franklin started her career of speaking in the late 90’s.  Carla J started speaking at special events, school events, women shelters in Virginia, and California . She has shared a lot of her life to help others.

It hasn’t been easy sharing life experiences. It can be emotional draining. Others will judge others that share parts of their life with the world.  Others will say you are negative, because you are trying to make something negative to an positive outcome.

Support:  I’m Not My Pain Project . I’m not my pain project was created in 2022. Due to certain things that has happened, the project was delayed. I’m not my pain project  is about the pain of a teen mother to adult and what happened to the adoption laws to protect minor  mothers to adult. Adoption gone wrong. This time around, Carla J knows what she is up against. No,  one can  do this all by herself ;however; no one want to touch this case. So many want to judge and do nothing besides talk. That’s it!

Carla J Kee-Franklin decided to delay the project. Now, it’s time to get the project up and running.

Carla J Kee-Franklin


Photographer/Graphic Designer/Videographer/Instructor for special needs/Voiceover/ Broadcaster/Social media manager and creator.

Instructor/ Home school for over ten years.

Produce, create, design all works.

What does life after traumatic experience really look like?

This what is looks like!

It hasn’t been easy at all.

The Entrustment Agreement Story by Carla J Kee-Franklin Social Services/Voluntarily Adoption. Adoption gone wrong story By Carla J. Kee-Franklin

Adoption, Visitation, Custody laws has to change.

Carla J Kee-Franklin will be going after those laws again.

No one wanted to help at all.

Until others really want change, so many will just complain. That’s it.

People love to judge and create drama around the narrative of someone’s life.

Carla J Kee-Franklin has decided  to move forward in

speaking, project coming soon.

Carla’s dad gave his permission to speak about what happened and the decisions he made and  the outcome of the entrustment agreement. He said as long as it doesn’t cost me anything, you  can  do whatever you do.

This story is only authorized by

Carla J. Kee-Franklin/Carla Jeanette Media Inc.

Only authorized companies or persons can produced or speak on the Entrustment Agreement story.

Producers and others have tried to take this story. No one want to help however: others want to steal the story from underneath

Carla J. Kee-Franklin.



Carla J Kee-Franklin and daddy James A. Kee Sr. Carla J Kee-Franklin & James A. Kee Sr. Teen mothers

Carla J  voluntarily gave up her child up for adoption, due to her dad would kick her out of the house.. He gave her a timeline for her and her son to leave the house.

Carla J had to make some decisions.

Attorney s will not take the case at all. The attorneys  said they  would not know what to do!

Peace with Carla J Kee-Franklin


Life and stress. Life struggles. Life and the trauma that comes with it. The emotional breakdown of life! Life itself is very stressful. Raising a child or children is very stressful. Being married or have someone you are dating is stressful. Having a job you do not like is very stressful.

What does peace really look like or feel like?

Written by Carla J. Kee-Franklin

Thomasina Brown Kee

Thomasina’s body was found 2000 in a ditch in Chesterfield County,Virginia. This is Carla J Kee-Franklin birth mother.

 The family doesn’t know how or why!

Case closed

Life story of Carla J Kee-Franklin birth mother Thomasina Brown Kee

Mental health, addiction, past and present trauma,not being loved, health issues, abused, attempted suicide more than once.


Carla J Kee-Franklin

Mental Health, Depression, Grief, Personal loss, Business loss, Self esteem,

Not knowing what outcome would look like, not knowing what would life would be, not knowing if anyone would really love Carla J Kee-Franklin

Carla J ‘s mother, sister,  and yes Carla J attempted suicide. Carla J’s son attempted 2017 and he completed 2018.. A lot of drama before and after Carla J’s son died.

The loss of a son, guilt,others blaming Carla J for her son taking his life, judgement from others,business failure due to what others have or had said.

Life after Traumatic Experiences!

You can have pity parties for years. You will have regrets wasting so many years not healing. A lot of people take drugs, have sexual partners, drink a lot, hurt others, abuse others to cover up the pain within themselves.

Written by Carla J Kee-Franklin March 15, 2024

Suicide Aawaeness 988 Suicide Hotline Number Carla J Kee-Franklin

Carla J Kee-Franklin

Life has been a journey in itself for Carla J. . So many have bashed, judged, said it could not happened,  said pray about her problems instead of helping, stolen work and not pay for pictures or graphics that was done, have lied about the work that wasn’t done by Carla J. Report every post that is posted on social media. Others are stalking and marking Carla J car. Hacked emails and social media accounts.

So much has gone on in Carla 's life:however she pressed on and achieved what she put her mind to. Carla J is emotional drained due to stalking, others reporting everything she posts on social media. Carla J has to block and delete so many fake social media pages.

Carla J is a victim of identity theft. Others have stolen used her name,  have tried to take her business name.. Others have put Carla J’s name on others  body on the internet, Google, Bing and   all social media plateforms,  and who knows where else.

Carla J realizes she has no other choice to continue to speak on certain topics. Yes, the fear is  unbelievable due to things are happening and what others are doing to stop her.

People act like Carla J has made it in life. No, not by far. Due to business failures, others stalking, saying false things about her, Carla J wants to quit. Carla J’s dad told her she was determined to succeed in life and that’s keep Carla J from not quitting. Just a different approach.  

In 2021 Carla J  wanted to changed how she felt after her son took his life 2018. The drama, the lies and what law enforcement did once again to her. What the dad said and did was very emotionally.

 Carla J has tried to move forward in her personal and business life. Due to what others are doing, its very hard to push on at time. Mental abuse is very hard to handle. Others say pray about it. Say work through it with education, reading, gardening,walking, exercise, find a hobby, learn a new skill, write a book, talk about it, therapy might work.




Media Consultant/ Media/ Speaker

Photographer/Graphic Designer/Writer/Speaker/Consultant/ Instructor/Social Media Marketing and Manager//Business Owner

When Carla J decided to start her business, she didn’t have any idea what she was doing. She just follow her passion. It has a been a journey in itself. So many said it would not work. You don’t know what you are doing. You don’t how to. You don’t look the part. Others stole work from Carla J without paying for them. Others have lied and dislike her, because she was not giving her work away any longer for free.

Carla J has taken classes to understand business. Carla J realized that she needed to stop listening to people that really do not know what they are saying .A lot of people sound great:however they have no idea what they are doing.

Information links

The Entrustment Agreement Story

A teen mother has every right to make a huge decision if she is able to take care of her child without being on the system or struggling not knowing where will she live or raise her child.

Also a teen mother has every right to decide if she will give her rights up and how would that change her life.

It’s about the teen mother and baby. No one else.

When domestic violence is in the relationship and the mother and father leave each other.  

In this case, the father didn’t sign the papers and years after the fact, so the entrustment ageement was voided. Mother and father has custody. Carla J should have never been in the court room at all.

 Current Laws have to change.

Will be updating and having links on all websites.

Please sign the petition Have 904 signatures for now.

Carla J made a decision that backfired and followed her to adulthood.

When Carla J started speaking out after her first-born son died he was 32 years old on March 28, 2018. Went through the grief process online. Was bullied, posts were taken down. Attorneys and others were and still watching every move. When Carla J reached out to several attorneys they told her that they didn’t know what to do with the case since the Entrustment Agreement hasn’t been tried like this in court.

Well, the drama,the stalking, the hate really got to Carla J.. Others have tried to steal the story without even speaking to her. She has to delete so many fake social media profiles and have to watch all her accounts like a hawk and that very sad.

Carla J realized that her media company will never be successful, because of what say or do. She wanted to just leave it alone. Don’t know everything. Just want change that affected her for teens and adult years. Tracy L. Palmer didn’t have chance in life at all.

Teen moms have every right to make a decision for what’s best her the baby and her. The court system doesn’t care. Carla J Kee was not raised on the system. Her dad was a hard worker.

Carla Jeanette Media Inc

Carla Jeanette Media Inc. will be bringing you entertainment, news, community news.

Sponsor advertising  

Carla Jeanette Consulting The Entrustment Agreement Story

You may not understand  or want to understand. That’s you. When a teen mom makes a decision,because she was pushed into it, it’s her decision.You want to follow what’s trending. I’ve tried this when my first -born son died by suicide with so much drama couldn’t move forward.  Tracy was 32 years old when he died.  Lost hair, gained weight due to depression. When you think others will want to help for change, it doesn’t happen at all.  I’m  better than my pain. So once you put your family mess online really it’s no turning back.

Only if Carla J  would have known what to do the proper way, she  would have never have stopped writing and speaking out.

This story will be done by

Carla  J. Kee-Franklin

No one else.

People can twist what they want to. You have to tell your own story , instead of stealing and making money off of other people’s stories and never pay them.

Social media pay people that does not produce their work.  The real owner of the work doesn’t get paid off of their work and that unfair.

A lot of tears have been  shed doing the breakups,family drama,deaths, grief,lies, raising  children, the brokenness, Carla J Kee-Franklin

Carla J. have tried to do her best to succeed  in life. So many people have tried their best to stop everything that she has  been trying to do. It’s unbelievable the things people will do to stop others to succeed in life.

Projects on the way. Will not say too much. Looking to do something that others can’t take down or report easy.

It’s okay to not to be okay.

You are having feeling of giving up, because of your trauma while growing up, bullied at school, not having friends at school, mental abuse as a child/adult, sexual assault, grieving,not having the  loving relationship with your family, addiction,not loving self,being layoff, domestic violence, addiction, can’t find work,others saying you can’t, failures of life. The list  goes on.

You are enough. Find your peace.

Domestic Violence

As a domestic violence survivor, Carla J remember it wasn’t any help at all out there. She left the abuser and her child’s father;however she was sent to an homeless shelter and no help at all. After the baby was born, Carla J returned to her abuser with an newborn baby. She didn’t have anywhere to go besides back to her abuser. She was very young.

It’s a saying, if you made your bed hard, you will lay in your hard bed. That means if you act grown, you will be made to be grown before your time.

Saying all of that, it’s nowhere to go to really get help. So many return to the abuser and sometimes the abuser kill the victim.

Attended and spoke at events regarding domestic violence.

When organization have events like domestic violence, it’s not too many people will show up to shop the event. A lot of times it’s no resources out their that can help the women, men and children get help. A lot of organizations do not have the funding like it should to help. After the victim leaves the abuser where would the victim go safety and get the training she or he needs to make it on her own.

Written by Carla J Kee-Franklin

The Entrustment Agreement Story

Click to sign the petition

Time to make changes

The Entrustment Agreement Story coming soon

Teen mothers and Adoption in Virginia

Carla J Kee-Franklin first born son that took his life March 28, 2018. Tracy Lamonte Palmer

Mental health, addiction,childhood trauma,parents that can’t stand each other, back and forth to court, lies, in between mother and father drama, jail life, homeless, child support, the mother not letting him see his children, abuse, street life,domestic violence. .

All of this can and will led to suicide.

The truth hurts.

Carla J Kee-Franklin first Empowerment  Women’s Conference in  Hampton, Virginia 2018  Brain Power didn’t go as expected.   The same year that her son took his life.  More drama that came after the death of Tracy.

Mental Health Hotlines

Suicide and Crisis Hotline; 988

The National Suicide Prevention Hotline fields calls 24/7

Crisis Text Line 714741

Suicide Carla J Kee-Franklin son took his life March 28, 2018

This is  first born son that didn’t have a chance in life.  Attempted Suicide 2017. Completed 2018.

Laws have to change for certain choices a mother have. A teen mom.

Carla J voluntarily giving her small child up for adopt. Adoption gone wrong in this case.

The Entrustment Agreement Story

Laws have to change!

Life after traumatic experiences

What does that really look like?


Carla J Kee-Franklin Carla J kee-Franklin Carla J Kee-Franklin

Powered by Carla Jeanette Media Inc. @All rights Reserved

What does life looks like after Traumatic


It’s been very hard.

Carla J has worked really hard to achieve what she has.

Life will make you or break you!